Mid Century Modern Interior Design: What Is It, Characteristics and Stunning Examples

Have you watched the American period drama series Mad Men? If yes, then you surely remember Don Draper’s Park Avenue pad? That’s the perfect example of mid-century modern interior design! From Loki (yes, even the show about the mischievous Norse god) to The Umbrella Academy, several popular television shows demonstrate the mid-century interior design aesthetic. But, what is this design style and how do you go about getting it in your space? This detailed guide will help you!

What Is Mid-Century Modern Interior Design?

Despite having its origins in the middle of the 20th century, the mid-century interior design style is still quite popular. Symbolic of clean lines, retro-modern style and uncluttered spaces, this design aesthetic is the perfect fit for modern, urban flats.

What Is the History of Mid-Century Interior Design?

Post World War 2, several German designers migrated to the United States of America and brought with them the remnants of an early-20th-century style, the German Bauhaus design. The style promoted clean lines, futuristic (for the time) designs and emphasised on functionality. In addition to this, mass production during this time allowed for the manufacture of large quantities of furniture in different colours and designs. It was through this that the mid-century interior design style came into being.

One of the notable aspects of this design is the fact that it is suited for city homes. In the 20th century, more and more people moved out of their large homes in the countryside to smaller flats in cities. As such, the mid-century modern interior design style is suited for compact homes.

What Are the Characteristics of Mid-Century Modern Design?

Wondering how to spot this style? Look out for the following characteristics:


#1: Minimalist

As mentioned earlier, at the time this design style was born, people were moving into small flats. As such, a minimal interior design aesthetic is one of the main principles of the mid-century style. Look out for:


Clean lines

Uncluttered spaces

Focus on functionality

#2: Mixing Materials and Aesthetics

For the mid-century modern interior design style, go for a mix of natural and man-made materials. For instance, you can mix wood with something man-made, like fibreglass. Similarly, this design style allows you to also mix genres, like modern and traditional.

#3: Bring the Outdoors Inside Your Home

Given that  the mid-century modern interior design aesthetic propagates using natural elements, bringing in the outdoors inside your home, with indoor plants, is a great way to get this style right. In addition, you can also opt for window treatments that let in an ample amount of sunlight.

#4: A Neutral Palette With Pops of Colours

The mid-century interior design style is rooted in nature. Therefore, the colour palette you choose should also be reminiscent of the outdoors. Think earthy tones mixed in with pops of yellow, orange or green.

#5: Flat Planes

Another important characteristic of this design style is flat planes. Be it a mid-century modern house interior or exterior, everything will be symmetrical and geometric. This is usually accompanied by angular furniture.

#6: Changes in Elevation

If you look at homes that feature the mid-century interior aesthetic, you’ll notice how furniture, like cabinets, might have different heights. Or, there might be a small set of stairs in the living room. This type of change in elevation helps in creating depth. However, at the same time, there will also be a sense of symmetry.

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