Space Savvy Bookshelves to Transform Your Home Into a Book Lover’s Paradise

Bookshelves are more than just storage units in the world of interior design. They serve as excellent focal points in your design, while also enhancing the acoustics of a room. Bookshelves also help you maintain a clean, clutter-free home, making access to books and stationery easy. If designed well, they can add depth and dimension to a room, thereby making a space appear dynamic and visually appealing. All in all, bookshelf designs have great transformative potential for home decor.

Now that you have an idea of how important bookshelves are to your home design, why not check out the best modern bookshelf designs that can help elevate the look and feel of your space?

  1. Wooden Bookshelf: The Classic


Let’s start off our list of modern bookshelf designs with an all-time classic: the wooden bookshelf. If you grew up in a middle-class household like the rest of us, your home has had a simple wooden bookshelf that was an absolute essential.

Why not recreate the nostalgic magic of your childhood, while ensuring your modern bookshelf keeps up with the cosmopolitan lifestyle you have now?

With backlighting options, this bookshelf design is a great functional addition to your home, to display all your books, knick-knacks and decor pieces.

  1. Trending Now: Bookshelf With a Study Table

The homes we live in might have small square footage, but our dreams are big. So, when space is scarce, one must find ways to optimise it and maximise functionality.

Bookshelf designs with a study table allow you to do just that. If allocating space for just bookshelves is not convenient, take this route and set up a home office space.

You can decide the style and size of bookshelves that work for you. Try a mix of open and closed, upper and lower shelves to achieve a sense of perfection that fits your dream home.

  1. A Bookshelf With Study Table Idea for Small Homes

If space is too scarce, you may want to pack a punch with a compact bookshelf design with a study table. Take some inspiration from this corner bookshelf design that’s finished in white and blue, a classic combination.

Who said tall units were for kitchens only? This bookshelf with a study table features a tall unit for maximum storage, with a mix of open and closed upper shelves to make a big difference in a small home.

  1. Nothing Beats Wall-Mounted Bookshelves

While we are on the subject of scarcity of space, limited square footage and small homes, we should address the redeeming quality that wall-mounted bookshelves come with.

Floating or wall-mounted bookshelves don’t occupy precious floor space, which you can then use for other things! They also give your home an organised look and feel.

This design combines a study table, a full wall-mounted bookshelf and floating, wall-mounted bookshelves to deliver a punch! However, you can go solo with the floating, wall-mounted bookshelves to save space.

  1. Contemporary Wooden Bookshelves for the Suave

Bedroom bookshelf? While the idea is unconventional, it’s getting increasingly popular with millennials and Gen Zs. Take a look at this minimalist marvel! It’s so savvy and suave, we can’t help but love our own creation.

Creating a focal point, this bedroom bookshelf can act as a display unit while also doubling up as a bookshelf with a study table design. It’s versatile, smart and so sophisticated!

  1. Ladder Bookshelf Design

We believe bookshelves are those magical gateways that allow interdimensional travel, helping us escape to other worlds and embark on beautiful journeys.


Whether you think so or not, you would agree that a ladder bookshelf for the home is a great addition to your decor. They are trending: everyone loves them. They are functional: the big ones can usually store 300+ books. Also, they are unconventional: extra brownie points for style!

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