5 easy ways to make your kitchen Vastu compliant

The kitchen is the nervecentre of every home and often the most active part of a living space, from morning to night, throughout the year. It is the space which provides sustenance to the members of the household, and cooking is an act of love. Therefore, in my view, it is the most vital place of transformation. It is in the kitchen where we transform all the raw and uncooked food into delicious meals which nurture the lives of family members. In other words, it is in the kitchen where divine blessings are received by the entire home.

Therefore, kitchens are of utmost importance in Vastu. Here are 5 easy ways to make your kitchen Vastu-compliant.

Ideal Location of Kitchen According to Vastu

South-east or North-west is considered the best location to set up your home kitchen. During the times of wood-burning stoves, these corners were preferred so that winds, blowing from south to west and north to east, did not cause a fire that engulfs the whole home. The South-east corner is considered the best since the element of fire governs this direction.

Where to Place Kitchen Windows According To Vastu

The kitchen contains plenty of smells and cooking fumes which impacts the moods, and physical health of the people inhabiting the space. Ventilation is therefore of utmost importance. Small kitchen windows can be placed in the South. Besides providing additional ventilation, these windows also help in cross-ventilation and movement of fresh air (life energy). The more fresh air, the better the atmosphere of the house.

The Placement of Stoves in the Kitchen According To Vastu

Women are traditionally the ones who shoulder the responsibility of cooking for and feeding the whole family. Those spending long hours in the kitchen lose out on sun exposure and Vitamin D. Hence, cooking should be done facing East. This direction was thought to be ideal to soak up the beneficial rays of the sun. Feeding a cow, dog or birds the first thing you prepare in the kitchen, helps make sure peace, prosperity and health are invited to your house. Cleaning the kitchen floor, kitchen platform and utensils at night before sleeping is also a good practice to keep the energy levels of the kitchen in balance.

Storage Space for ‘Annapurna’ in the Kitchen

Storage of raw material, be it dals, pulses, masalas, or cereals, is an important function of the kitchen. Keep the storage space clean and colourful to keep the appetite of the family up. Placing the storage above the hob/stove should be avoided. Space above the stove is either to be left open or fitted with a chimney to remove odours and fumes. Placing a cabinet there will prevent these from dissipating and act as a fire hazard.


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